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Monday, April 21, 2008

Organic Skin Care Products - Are They Really Different?

Part 1

The world is realizing that not only is it necessary to eat organically but also to use organic skin care products to feed their skin. Many people have asked the very same question regarding organic foods versus toxic chemical laden foods. And the answer is a resounding “yes”. People are finding out that there is indeed a difference in the food they eat. And Feeding your skin with organic skin care products will make a difference as well.

Using organic body care products will help to eliminate toxic chemicals from your body. This is essential to a healthy organic lifestyle. Your skin absorbs the toxic chemicals that are placed in the skin care products. Many people are taking great care to eat organically but do not realize that their skin care products are guilty of continuing to put toxic chemicals into their bodies.

I am the owner of Kalista Organics providing you with organic skin and body care products.

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